Category Archives: XPT

Performance, some findings!

It’s a long time since my last post. But after my sons heart surgery, my time was consumed by one of the biggest challenge that we as WebGate ever has to face. I will definitely write about this, after the successful closing of the project.

But in the mean time, I have done some experiments with the XPagesToolkit and large datasets. The question that I’ve to answer is very easy. How to process a large dataset like 100’000 documents to a nice List of contact objects, or in java spoken: List contacts = ContactSorageServer.getInstance().getAll().

My first question was of course: Is it really mandatory to have 100’000 Contacts in one List? To be honest, it is mostly no mandatory. Having 100’000 Contacts in a List is a typical “Notes View” case. Most agile Application will not present you a tabular list with 100 results per page and a pager control to browse thru 1000 pages, that you can find the page with the correct dataset. But having such a large dataset helps to find the best solution to read a dataset.

So our test scenario is very easy:

  1. 100’000 Documents to transfer to Contact Object add to an ArrayList.
  2. The transfer from document to object is fix, no changes will make there, we try only to manipulate the way we get the 100’000 Documents and how we can add them to the ArrayList
  3. All tests are instrumented and measured with the XPages Toolbox (see Mastering XPages Second Edition, Chapter 20)

1. Using the current XPT Approach:

The XPagesToolkit uses currently a view and browse the document by getNextDocument(). Each object is added to the ArrayList(). This has the effect that the ArrayList has to extend and realign the internal array each time when we achieve the internal capacity. This is the base value.

2. Using LinkedList instead of ArrayList

The only change to the XPT Approach is, that we use a LinkedList instead of the ArrayList and copy the LinkedList as last opration to an ArrayList. We expect to see a significant speed boost, because the LinkedList can growth in a “one Operation” step and has no reassigning of an internal array.

3. Using a NoteCollection based on the view’s selection formula (suggested by Nathan T. Freeman)

Instead of looping thru a view, we use the views selection formula to build a NoteCollection and access the document directly by “getDocumentById()”. I was personally a bit sceptic about building a selection of NoteID ad hoc. Would this work in such a big dataset?

Each approach was tested 10 times (using the code at the end of the entry). Here the results:

XPT LinkedList NoteCollection
Averag Time (sec) 40.5 39.9 32.7
Min 39 39.2 31.7
Mas 43.8 40.8 33.8
Convesion doc to object (sec) 28.8 29 25.8
getNextDocument() (100’000 calls) (sec) 10.3 10.3
Copy LinkeList to ArrayList (ms) 54
Building NoteCollection (ms) 726
getDocumentByID (100’000 calls) (ms) 2294
getNextNotesID (100’000 calls) (ms) 580

My first finding was, that building a LinkedList and then converting to an ArrayList could be a bit faster than the permanent resizing of the ArrayList, but no so much as expected. That was also the reason to see what was happening in the backend. And as you see here, the time to loop thru the we is long, 10.3 sec, means 0.1ms per document.

But the big surprise was the result with the NoteCollection. It needs only 726ms to build the Collection and other 2.9 sec to browse thru the collection. That’s very fast. This means, even accessing the View to get the selection formula and then building the NoteCollection and browse thru this collection is much faster!

I think that will definitely go in to the XPagesToolkit. But this will also need testing. If you wanna be informed about new SNAPSHOT build of the XPagesTookit, please register here!

And then, the child in me told me. How will this scale, if you set in the view selection formula a @Today function. We all know that such views has to be rebuilt permanently. And the child wants to play, so I did. Here the same stuff with a view with the following selection formula: SELECT ((Form = “Contact”)) & @Created > @Adjust(@Today;0;0;-10;0;0;0)

The XPT had an average time of 50 sec (that’s what I excepted to see), to get all the document (also 100’000). BUT……..

….. the NoteCollection approach has done this in 32.8 sec! Means near the same speed! The building of the NoteCollection has a time vor 844 ms. That’s definitely great!

Let see what this has for en impact for, small datasets. And a lot of stuff to discuss with the XPagesToolkit Team 🙂


Here my test code:

 * © Copyright WebGate Consulting AG, 2014
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at:
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * implied. See the License for the specific language governing
 * permissions and limitations under the License.
import java.util.ArrayList;
 import java.util.LinkedList;
 import java.util.List;
import lotus.domino.Document;
 import lotus.domino.NotesException;
 import lotus.domino.View;
 import lotus.domino.NoteCollection;
import org.openntf.xpt.core.dss.AbstractStorageService;
 import org.openntf.xpt.core.dss.DominoStorageService;
public class ContactStorageService extends AbstractStorageService {
private static ContactStorageService m_Service;
private static final ProfilerType pt = new ProfilerType("ListPerformance");
private ContactStorageService() {
public static ContactStorageService getInstance() {
 if (m_Service == null) {
 m_Service = new ContactStorageService();
 return m_Service;
 protected Contact createObject() {
 return new Contact();
// Performance TestCode
 public List getAllXPT(String viewName) {
 List lstRC;
 if (Profiler.isEnabled()) {
 ProfilerAggregator pa = Profiler.startProfileBlock(pt, "getAllXPT -> " + viewName);
 long startTime = Profiler.getCurrentTime();
 try {
 lstRC = getAll(viewName);
 } finally {
 Profiler.endProfileBlock(pa, startTime);
 } else {
 lstRC = getAll(viewName);
 return lstRC;
public List getAllLinkedList() {
 if (Profiler.isEnabled()) {
 ProfilerAggregator pa = Profiler.startProfileBlock(pt, "getAllLinkedList");
 long startTime = Profiler.getCurrentTime();
 try {
 return _getAllLinkedList();
 } finally {
 Profiler.endProfileBlock(pa, startTime);
 } else {
 return _getAllLinkedList();
public List<Contact> _getAllLinkedList() {
 List lstRC = new LinkedList();
 try {
 View viw = ExtLibUtil.getCurrentDatabase().getView("AllContacts");
 Document docNext = viw.getFirstDocument();
 while (docNext != null) {
 Document docProcess = docNext;
 docNext = viw.getNextDocument(docNext);
 Contact con = createObject();
 if (DominoStorageService.getInstance().getObjectWithDocument(con, docProcess)) {
 } catch (Exception e) {
 if (Profiler.isEnabled()) {
 ProfilerAggregator pa = Profiler.startProfileBlock(pt, "copyLinkedList");
 long startTime = Profiler.getCurrentTime();
 try {
 return _copyList(lstRC);
 } finally {
 Profiler.endProfileBlock(pa, startTime);
 } else {
 return _copyList(lstRC);
private List _copyList(List linkedList) {
 return new ArrayList(linkedList);
public List getAllNC(String viewName) {
 if (Profiler.isEnabled()) {
 ProfilerAggregator pa = Profiler.startProfileBlock(pt, "getAllNC " + viewName);
 long startTime = Profiler.getCurrentTime();
 try {
 return _getAllNC(viewName);
 } finally {
 Profiler.endProfileBlock(pa, startTime);
 } else {
 return _getAllNC(viewName);
public List getAllNCLinkedList() {
 if (Profiler.isEnabled()) {
 ProfilerAggregator pa = Profiler.startProfileBlock(pt, "getAllNC-LinkedList");
 long startTime = Profiler.getCurrentTime();
 try {
 return _getAllNCLL();
 } finally {
 Profiler.endProfileBlock(pa, startTime);
 } else {
 return _getAllNCLL();
private List _getAllNC(String viewName) {
 List lstRC = new ArrayList();
 try {
 View viw = ExtLibUtil.getCurrentDatabase().getView(viewName);
 String formula = viw.getSelectionFormula();
 NoteCollection nc;
 if (Profiler.isEnabled()) {
 ProfilerAggregator pa = Profiler.startProfileBlock(pt, "buildNoteCollection " + viewName);
 long startTime = Profiler.getCurrentTime();
 try {
 nc = _buildNoteCollection(formula);
 } finally {
 Profiler.endProfileBlock(pa, startTime);
 } else {
 nc = _buildNoteCollection(formula);
lstRC = new ArrayList(nc.getCount());
 String notesIDNext = nc.getFirstNoteID();
 while (!StringUtil.isEmpty(notesIDNext)) {
 Document processDoc = ExtLibUtil.getCurrentDatabase().getDocumentByID(notesIDNext);
 notesIDNext = nc.getNextNoteID(notesIDNext);
 if (processDoc.isValid()) {
 Contact con = createObject();
 if (DominoStorageService.getInstance().getObjectWithDocument(con, processDoc)) {
 } catch (Exception e) {
 return lstRC;
private List<Contact> _getAllNCLL() {
 List lstRC = new LinkedList();
 try {
 View viw = ExtLibUtil.getCurrentDatabase().getView("AllContacts");
 String formula = viw.getSelectionFormula();
 NoteCollection nc;
 if (Profiler.isEnabled()) {
 ProfilerAggregator pa = Profiler.startProfileBlock(pt, "buildNoteCollection");
 long startTime = Profiler.getCurrentTime();
 try {
 nc = _buildNoteCollection(formula);
 } finally {
 Profiler.endProfileBlock(pa, startTime);
 } else {
 nc = _buildNoteCollection(formula);
 String notesIDNext = nc.getFirstNoteID();
 while (!StringUtil.isEmpty(notesIDNext)) {
 Document processDoc = ExtLibUtil.getCurrentDatabase().getDocumentByID(notesIDNext);
 notesIDNext = nc.getNextNoteID(notesIDNext);
 if (processDoc.isValid()) {
 Contact con = createObject();
 if (DominoStorageService.getInstance().getObjectWithDocument(con, processDoc)) {
 } catch (Exception e) {
 if (Profiler.isEnabled()) {
 ProfilerAggregator pa = Profiler.startProfileBlock(pt, "copyLinkedList");
 long startTime = Profiler.getCurrentTime();
 try {
 return _copyList(lstRC);
 } finally {
 Profiler.endProfileBlock(pa, startTime);
 } else {
 return _copyList(lstRC);
private NoteCollection _buildNoteCollection(String formula) throws NotesException {
 NoteCollection nc = ExtLibUtil.getCurrentDatabase().createNoteCollection(false);
 return nc;

Posted by on July 19, 2014 in Domino, Java, OpenNTF, XPages, XPT


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Replay: A Deep Dive into OpenNTF Essentials

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Posted by on December 18, 2013 in Domino, IBM, Java, OpenNTF, XPages, XPT


Ready for todays webinar about OpenNTF Essentials?

I hope that you have already dowloaded OpenNTF Essentials and at least installed on your development computer. If not, it’s a 5 minute job as you can see in this youtube video (starting 12:00).

In Todays webinar, Mark will cover some cool stuff about debugging and Nathan takes a deep dive into the OpenNTF Domino API. My part will be about some cool @nnotations. Imagine this:

Your are writing a call center application and you have designed the “Call” object as a java object according the java bean specification. With the ObjectData Source from the ExtLib are you know ready to edit each field of this java object, but now you have to save….. and read …. and delete ….. the object from the database.

I will show you in todays webinar how you can do this with writing only “3 or 4” lines of code 🙂

I hope you will join us, today 10:30 EST, register now!

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Posted by on December 12, 2013 in Architektur, Design Pattern, Domino, Java, OpenNTF, XPT


The “ninja-style” programming model by WebGate

First I’ve to excuse that we are so selfish to call our programming model ninja-style. It was happened based on the fact, that we have programmed ninjas in internal programming course. But the term ninja-style was established and if you gave something a name, it’s very hard to change it (Maybe you have seen Monster.Inc by Pixar, then you know what I mean).

Our intention is to make programming for XPages as much fun as possible.  And fun means in the case of programming: Having success, with less of effort and stress.

But the ninja-style has also to do with leaving the comfort zone and go out from this protected workshop in which the most of the domino developers where living. XPages requires a complete new set of skills. On the front end part are you faced with: HTML5, JavaScript, CSS, DOJO (and that’s only the beginning) and of course SSJS for the binding part. On the backend is Java the most required skills, that you should have. But you have also to learn about data sources, controls, data binding and something called JSF life-cycle.

Definitely a lot of topics to cover and the most of us are not geniuses, specially universal genius. It’s a matter of fact that it is easier to split and separate the topics. Because of this we have introduced the N-Tier architecture to our programming model. We have separated the front end stuff, from the back-end stuff.

The front end covers all the presentation (Presentation Layer)

Typically our front end developers are brilliant in arranging all the controls in the XPages and they are mostly virtuous in JavaScript, CSS and Dojo. They know about the “beans” as far as they have to know how to use them as API to the model and the business logic. They don’t care, how object are loaded and stored, they don’t care about how processes and logic are executed, as long all is working correct.

The backend covers all the model and business logic (Business logic Layer)

The back-end guys do all the brilliant stuff with the model of the data and all the processes. Mostly they are Java Cracks or on the way to it. They care about good backend performance and have read the book “design pattern” by the gang of for. No interface and connection to any backend is to complex for them, but do not let them do any HTML stuff.

But where are the storage guys?

At this point, some of the core features of the XPT cames to action. The DSS of the XPT solves all the storage stuff.

But keep this: Having success with XPages has to be about simplification. Our first step was to separate front end from back-end.

To be continued >>>



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<xpt:….> – The XPages Tookit – Beta1 released

We have released an early beta of the XPages Toolkit, called beta1 on OpenNTF. A short time before I was going to the hospital for a heart revision task :). But the XPages Toolkit need some explanations about the why and what.


The XPages Toolkit (in short XPT) is a extendable Extension to the XPages Runtime and the Extension Library. The XPT contains a strong core for a programming model that we have introduced at WebGate as the ninja-style. I will blog later this week about this programming model and I will also make some snippets to this available.

But what contains the XPT:

  • The core (for the ninja-style / hope this name is not protected)
  • RSS Datasource and UIControl -> a ready to use UI-Element so display RSS Feeds
  • Read and write Access to properties files
  • Some missing OneUI Elements (like the aboutbox, the welcomebox and the tipbox)
  • And the XPages Agents with ready to use UI Elements and a replacment for the agents manager

And it is extendable. We have designed the XPT to make it easy to plugin other solutions. I will cover this topic also in a separate blog post. But in short, I think there are some many good things available under apache licence. Or think about the charting in dojox, its one of the things that I miss as a good UI Control. I know that there is a great OpenNTF project available from Julian Buss (YouAtNotes xCharting), but why not integrate the code into a plugin?

All the best

PS: Heart revision task was successfully completed and I have a good recovery time.

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Posted by on September 23, 2013 in Architektur, OpenNTF, XPages, XPT


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